
Discovery of Sound in the Sea

This in-depth site defines sound and describes its measurement, behavior in water, and importance to marine life and humans. Follow the Resources link for interactive lessons plans using audio data, plus reference materials. Extensive audio gallery includes examples of sound production by invertebrates, fishes, marine mammals. Human uses of underwater sound and the technology and applications of acoustic equipment are explained. The Career Gallery has profiles of researchers in physical oceanography, marine biology, engineering and other careers.

Bridge DATA - Ghostbusting the Chesapeake

Even when crab pots are lost or abandoned at sea, they continue to catch animals. The unintended victims of the pots typically cannot escape, and are trapped until they die. Through a special program at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, scientists are working with watermen to collect derelict, or “ghost,” crab pots and fishing nets that have been lost or abandoned. Students will explore catch data collected by the watermen from the ghost pots.

The Bridge's own DATA Series is made up of lesson plans (DATA Tips) on many ocean science topics that explore the world of water using the language of science: mathematics. Learn more about the DATA Series.
