
NOAA Ocean Acidification Program

NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program seeks to better prepare society to respond to changing ocean conditions and resources by expanding understanding of ocean acidification, through interdisciplinary partnerships, nationally and internationally. Ocean acidification is occurring because our ocean is absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, leading to lower pH and greater acidity. This is causing a fundamental change in the chemistry of the ocean from pole to pole.

Bridge DATA - Diatomaceous Sediments: Ooze Clues

Just as ocean beaches display a variety of sand types, the ocean floor has different sediment types. Sediments can come from land, living organisms, chemical reactions in the water column, and even outer space. When skeletal remains of microscopic organisms make up more than 30% of the sediment, it is called "ooze." In this activity, students will plot the distribution of various oozes using information from sediment maps.

The Bridge's own DATA Series is made up of lesson plans (DATA Tips) on many ocean science topics that explore the world of water using the language of science: mathematics. Learn more about the DATA Series.
